Our Academic System

The academic council of the school consists of Department Heads and academic supervisors with the HM/Principal being the Team Leader and the Correspondent being the master mind beyond school functions and operations. The whole year's plan concerning the academic and non-academic aspects is analysed, discussed and finalized by the academic council at the beginning of each academic year. The council meets every month to plan out strategies for improved performance in the children, requirement of learning resources, infrastructure and appropriate programmes necessary for the benefit of the students and to further their scholastic achievement levels. The school is equipped with latest cutting-edge technological devices/equipments to supplement the cause.

Learning by “Doing”

Our school strongly believes that materialistic exposure and hands on connected with abstract concepts will make a child’s learning experience a more memorable one, resulting in increased concept retention rate in the children. The children are made to think, analyze and connect the dots themselves to come up with a comprehensive solution for a given problem/situation under the guidance of the teacher. We practice Montessori methodology of Teaching-Learning process for classes from Pre.K.G till Class V

After School Care Programme

Beyond school hours, our teachers offer additional support to the children by way of conducting personalized training sessions in order to enable them to achieve their learning goals. These sessions are aimed at building a strong foundation of the concepts wherein the child is provided with the learning environment that assists in bridging learning gaps by connecting prior concepts applicable for the lower grades with those at the current grade. Special care is offered for Mathematics, Science and Language.

Skill Development Activities

It is important that outside of the regular academic routines, the children are also provided with time and opportunity to identify and bring out their inner potential and showcase their creativity & skill on various aspects such as Art & Craft, Painting, Vegetable carving, Embroidery, mini-projects on specified themes and other artistic/innovative methods of doing things differently. Our time table does include schedule allocation to encourage the same in all our children.